A KOTOBUKIYA Japanese import! Zone of Enders is the hit franchise created by Hideo Kojima for Konami consisting of multiple video games, an OVA, and an anime series. The next incredible model kit from “Z.O.E.” after the Vic Viper and Jehuty variants is Nohman’s trademark Type C Orbital Frame, the ANUBIS! With a body similar to the Jehuty, the Anubis is immediately recognizable by its dog-like head, reverse-jointed legs, a long tail, and six wings. The model kit version captures all of those essential elements with highly detailed parts and the new dark color scheme and weapons to match its appearance in the HD version of the game. The Anubis stands over 7 inches tall with a unique flying display base and is comprised of 500 individual pieces. With multiple points of articulation and plenty of weapons and interchangeable parts the robot can be posed and displayed according to your preference. Sculpted by Yuuta Itoyama, the Anubis is an amazing addition to your Zone of Enders plastic model kit collection from Kotobukiya.